As the busiest part of the house, it is so easy to cram a custom kitchen with stuff and turn it as a dumping ground for everything. Prior to doing any kitchen renovations, decluttering should be a priority. Here are some expert-approved tips:


Keep the items that spark joy in your life

You don’t have to throw away everything. Bestselling author Marie Kondo states that it’s okay to keep things but only if you actually use them. If that quite large smoothie maker makes your mornings joyful, keep it. The costly bread maker that is undoubtedly beautiful but has been sitting for years on your countertop unused? Sell or donate it. Test all of your appliances and check if some aren’t working anymore.


Downsize your dish supply

Tableware is the fastest to accumulate because plates and glasses don’t seem bulky at first. “Oh, how nice it would be to have these fancy dishes for guests” is something we all tell ourselves but have we actually brought them out? It’s true that nice presentation equates to enjoyable mealtimes but if you only host gatherings once or twice a year, move all those 25 wine glasses into your storage.

Our seasoned experts at Elite Kitchens are well aware of storage dilemmas and through their expertise, your custom kitchen won’t only be beautiful, but most importantly capable of keeping your stuff together.


Choose versatile kitchenware that multitasks

Many kitchen tools are capable of performing different functions. Pots look cute but having too much of them can eat up your precious kitchen space. Medium-sized pots and frying pans can also do what their smaller counterparts do. Do you really need that adorable set of whisks when you already have a hand mixer?


Discard food that you would not actually consume

Apart from purging your pantry and throwing out items that are past their expiration date, get rid of stuff that you really wouldn’t want to eat but bought anyway because of a promotion. To easily keep your pantry decluttered, date each item with a marker. This way, you’ll know when to toss it.

If you’re tired of seeing kitchen eyesores every day, call us and we’ll create a comprehensive plan on how to simplify your kitchen and make it orderly!